February - April 2005. After fighting a 6 month battle with my ex-wife over access for seeing my daughter, I get a court-ordered document signed, stating my rights and visitation times. It is a victory for me and for all that I had endured over the past 4 years. While I am celebrating this victory, no one else is celebrating the NHL's decision to cancel the entire season. As my court battle ends, so does Martha Stewarts and as my faith returns, Pope John Paul dies. Irony rules.
May - July 2005. I meet a girl from out of town when shooting pool with my "then boss". A one-time meeting turns into a romantic affair, as for the following months I move out of my little 2 bedroom and into her world "out of town", subsequentially leaving my supervisory position and finding "new" employment as a call centre agent. The following months are a dream. Meanwhile, Micheal Jacksons nightmare court battle ends and the nightmare-ish bombings in Londons subways begins.
August 2005. My romantic interlude with the out-of-town girl ends and the turmoil it ensues lands me with no place to live, no job and not much to show for my summer adventure. Ironically enough, elsewhere in the world, hurricane Katrina engulfs coastlines in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama. Storms come in all shapes and forms.
With the ending of the year, so comes an ending to old ways as well. Having moved from rooming with old friends (whom I had issues with) to "crashing" with someone else (not recommended), I now find myself working as technical support for Apple (thanks to my 1 week of call centre experience "out of town") and living almost exactly where I was living at the first of the year. I am getting paid more now then I was in January and, even though I may not have the vehicle I had back then, I am pursueing a field I *actually* have intrest in. All for all?...last year was "eventfull"....2006 should be better.
