"Needs are the things that you 'need' to survive, like food, shelter, clothing...everything else is just a want, regardless of how much it means to you."
Right now, I have shelter, clothing and food. My "wanting" a truck is just that...a want. It isn't neccassary for survival. Hell, I survived long enough without one, haven't I? So, do I define myself by my material goods or by how I act in Life? Thats a no-brainer. I have alot in Life, not just "things", I have had adventures, I have my memories....I have family and friends...and no one can take those things away from me. Eventually, I will have my truck, my paid education and my house .. but until then, I am happy for all that I have gained along the way ... AND, as well, I have "learned" from all that I have lost along the way.
That being said, Friday night, day off again...think I'll go visit my family and relax. Tomorrow, I move more things into my new place and I want to enjoy my night while it is still young.

Never forget I lost my can opener... hehehehehe
...now, was the can opener a "want" or a "need"?
So, you "need" it in order to survive, is this correct?
(Sorry, my phone agent style is coming out on me, ...gaining agreement on a can opener is so sad, isn't it?)
ok this was all fun and games. Did you get your Laundry havent heard from you. Will you pop by sometime. Or call. Let me know if you need anything. All kidding around... Just let me know... But I need to talk to you this week.. I aprecaite it.. T
IT all worked out in the end.. That is all it counts.. You did this for a reason.. I am glad the good things will happen. Cheers
not sure what happened there.. Will u call me when u get a chance. I hope things have worked out .... Ciao
First off...thanks lady, and you're right. I realize that Life is a journey, NOT a destination...which is why I *JUST* accepted an offer from a felow workmate to take in a kittie tonight! (yes, I'm a cat person, I guess)....hopefully, he/she will add to the home-i-ness of the new place...
I'll give ya a shout but JEEZ, easy on the comments, will ya?
i want you. i want to feel you inside me. I want to feel your sweat drip on my face as you thrust into me over and over again. I want you to spend your load, lie back, catch your breath, then climb back on me and do it again. you know you want me.
nothing is as good as anonymous sex.
whoa that wasnt me I am not sure who wrote that Huey.. This is Tanja. Not sure what it makes that it is harsh.. Sorry. T....
TO ANONYMOUS USER #1 : Email adress and phone number please :D
TO ANONYMOUS USER #2 : Um, hey? Call ya later (hope ya got a smoke) :P
i want to stroke your manmeat,lift it from your balls and then take each ball in mouth and roll it around using my tongue. i wanna feel your body jump as i trasfer your ball from one side of my tongue to the other.
i want to hear you beg me to allow you to see me bent over, allow you to kneel behind me and spread my cheeks for your oral assault on my pussy and little brownie.
and once i am good and wet, you can mount me, ride me, do me, screw me, i am so wet thinking about it
Ok, that was *nice*....BUT...no email addy and NO phone number....
HELL, at THIS point, *I'll* give ya MINE and you can come over and SHOW me some anonymous lovin'...
*checks his blog postings a little more frequently* :)
your writing makes me feel tingly. its almost like a higher being wanted to me come across this little blog on the internet.
fiend, your mind makesme curious, you wit and charm are breathtaking to say the least.
I love reading your words, i imagine you sitting on a couch with your legs out, m in between your legs lying back into you. Your arms are draped over my shoulders and you are playing with my rather ample titties. you talk to me telling me stories, or givine me your opinion on things happening around us, all the while pinching and pulling at my rock hard nipples. i cant sit still, my knees are bouncing i am getting so hot, i can feel your throbbing post of manhood stabbing me in my back. (i just love nicknames like that, throbbing post of manhood, ha ha ha)
i roll over and your dick is now poised right between my titties and you pull me down and start thrusting between my tits. i lower my head and lick the tip with each thrust and within minutes your are spewing goo all over my neck and cleavage.
am i ready to give my number? no not yet, but soon...
...homina homina homina.....
*checks pulse*
Ok, well, thanks for giving me a tent pole during work hours, Misses Mystery Lady!!
...but for now?...I must go home and only *dream* of whom you are (and hope that you aren't just some jealous ex, trying to exact revenge)
...heh heh...
glad to see you are a happy camper. Is that a 4 man or 8 man tent? why dont you lie back and let me see?
i love to imagine what that lovelog would do to me as you pounded it in and out, i dont care which hole, of course the "other" hole would be good for preventing pregnancy, i would hate to get knocked up but at the same time, i love it bareback, something unatural about a rubberized penis.
thought about you all morning, thought about what a joy it would be to wake up next to you, slide your pleasure pole out of your shorts as you slept and then have you wake up to the feeling of shooting your load deep into my mouth.
i would love to be the one that could make you happy, someday soon i will have to say hello, but for now i just cant do it.
Can we make this a guessing game then?
If so, here's my first question...
"Have we ever met?"
no. But to steal a line from you, i am 'Far behind the crowd but close enough to hear'
you are yummy. i wish i could get the nere up to say hello.
Ok, this is to much for me.. I can email you.. The other posts are to much... Well good luck.. Are u the one phoning me at 1 am every night...T
Ok then Misses Mystery Poster, second question...
"Are you from the area....or are you, like, "provinces behind the crowd but close enough to email"?
Thank for the 'yummy', btw...HELLO EGO BOOST!!
Day Two : STILL AWAITING misses Mystery Posters *next* Penthouse-Certified installment...
i see you at work...i get wet...i cant do this anymore...bye
whoa whoa...wait a minute now...
SURE you can do this!
...then again, if you're *sure* you can't, then I guess there is nothing I can do to make you feel comfortable.
Just so you know though, *I'm* a very open and easy-going guy, ok? I don't bite, really!
Hows about this, if you "have" seen me at work, try this. I sit way in back in Cory Mayes group row. Most times, I get in early, like at around 10. If you know where I sit, leave me a note on my desk (just like high school, oh yeah!)
If thats too "teenager-like" for ya, I am in locker 172. For the next week, I will NOT be locking it. Feel free to leave whatever you would like in there for me to read.
If thats not going to work, we can try the Online Support night at Doolys this wednesday? I wasn't going to go...but, if you want to hook up there, I can make it.
Either way, let me know....even if its a "I can't do this", at least you're doing that thing we humans do called "communicating"...aight?
Dunno bud sounds like she ahs the case of the yello belly. OR this woman doesnt exist.. Well if she does as I know that she is missing out. You know where to find me... T.....
Was thinking that it was just "a jealous ex girlfriend" right from the start...although, thinking that one of the girlies at work is eyeing me up makes it more interesting as a work environment..
*starts the disco music....does his saturday night fever move*
Thats funny. I promise it wasnt me .. I am aint that silly. You know I would of told you from the start. We are way past that stage at this point. Even I know that. If it was or not .. Its her loss but hey... ahahahha its just a little funny anyways.. The work enviroment.... Hhahahaha
*weird, startled and somewhat disturbed look*
HUH I do notunderstand that you are havng such a look. God! You know me better than that. Holy Jeez! Tanja
This blog entry has WAY too many comments in it
i wonder what would happen if you talked to me. i watch you walk by, fantasies dance in my head.
"I look around and wonder who you are, reading more then usual into ordinary glances, hoping to catch your guilty look."
I had a chance to speak to the mistery poster this morning and I'll be fubar'd!! I know this person!!!
Known them for quite a long time now actually but, unfortunately, would never go out on a date with To be blintly honest.....terrible gas issues. Sorry M.P. but you KNOW its true! It was a good thing I found out whom it was though (wondering who it was at work that was stalking me was making me double-take everybody! I'll never look at the cleaning lady the same way now)
Anyways, thanks for the fun, M.P.
...and you can post here...anytime...*winkwink nudgenudge*
Well at least you know it wasnt me..... T
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