Voting is a human right, the right to have someone appointed into a place of power and to make decisions that will, ultimately, affect the way we live. Not once have I voted and not been in favor of the persons standings...this year I have no one to favour. Why should I vote for someone if they are slandering someone else? And, as I said before, I haven't heard anything good yet from ANY candidate, no "I'll increase wages" or "I'll do something about the debt" or "Hell, I'll juggle fire-balls while whistling yankeedoodle". Personally, if I have to ask what you can do for this country, YOU aren't the person I am going to vote for. Thanks.
Its no wonder half the world is at war, isn't it? No one wants to make a difference: all we want to do now is muscle our way into power so we can relax with the big, fat paycheque that comes with the position. All good and fine I suppose....*I'd* do the same, if *I* were a slimy, political character, the sort that has no morals or scruples, the kind that lies somewhere inbetween mud-puddle scum and lawyers in the food chain. But I am not. *I* would NOT make for a good member of parliment. I know that I am not though. I think most of the candidates running should realize this about themselves and stop messing the rest of us around, while they get fat off of our short-comings.
Thats just the thoughts of one disgruntled non-voter though.

Wel I agree with you all the way.... T
We should be lucky we are ABLE to vote. People who don't bother to vote upset me, go and spoil your ballot if there are no candidates that you feel like choosing. A spoiled ballot is better then no ballot at all.
Voting is not a human right, you putz! It's a privilidge we get for living in a
democratic country. To not exercise that gift indicates a weak, self-centered
mind that does not think of the common good. Yes, it's disheartening, but there
are good people trying to get into government (and more who give it up in
frustration realizing that in order to effect change they must relinquish their
integrity...like Lee Morrison). You GET to listen and learn and educate
yourself and make a change...and much of that starts with voting. It doesn't
end there, but it's a start...and if you don't vote, you relinquish your right
to ever again complain about roads, programs, taxes, and maybe even the weather
(if your paranoid like me and believe it is controllable) And if you think that
a few votes don't matter in the giant ocean of ballots cast, you don't have to
look far back in history to see that's not true. You want to effect change?
Get involved. Decide who will best represent y
ou and volunteer to work on the campaign. You can be the start of the cause
that eliminates the mudslinging...maybe Canadian politics was waiting for your
talents to lead just that cause.
Go vote again. Don't give up.
(love ya, putzface)
DividableFiend says: question
MechanicalIntuitive says: yes?
DividableFiend says: can In post that email of yours in my blog?
DividableFiend says: its very nicely worded
MechanicalIntuitive says: did it hit home with you?
DividableFiend says: yes it did
MechanicalIntuitive says: will you vote?
DividableFiend says: oui
MechanicalIntuitive says: will you join a campaign and fight for a cause and maybe meet the girl of your dreams doing the same?
DividableFiend says: ROFL
MechanicalIntuitive says: will you go on a habitat for humanity build this year?
DividableFiend says: another question
DividableFiend says: can I post this comvo in there too??!!
DividableFiend says: LMFAO
MechanicalIntuitive says: lol
Hate to say it Buddy, But I agree with Mech...
OMG, the worlds gunna end now, 'cause Hell's froze over.
yea, I know...just disgustipated at the whole voting mess...
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