First off, I'll give you some inside information on this movie...nothing special when it comes to cinematography, looks like it was "Made for TV" all the way. Acting can be lame in MANY spots and the "Special FX" at the end are nothing compared to todays standards. Ok, with *that* out of the way, let me fill you in on the guts of the movie.
The Langoliers is basically "What if Back To The Future was a horror movie?" Thats right, time travel...but with some interesting twists. Ever since Mr Speilberg turned Mr. Fox into a bigger star then he already was, people have had the idea that time travel was a realistic idea, that you could go back and see people and things that happened long ago. Well, what if "time" disappears after it happens, leaving nothing in its wake but a dead world, waiting to disappear? Would you really want to go back to 1955, only to see nothingness...darkness...a world where nothing exists anymore? This is how it is though, time is a monster that either hunts you down, runs beside you, teeth gnashing at your sides...or waits for you up ahead, with its claws out...so you better make the best of the run you have, 'cause there ain't much waiting for you at the finish line...
In the movie, most of the main characters have had something "in the past" that haunts them. .. or do they? Have they just stopped moving through time normally, wanting to rest in that time that haunts them because the time they are moving through is too painful for them? Some of them, yes, and when time goes by without you, you are left with a dead world to live in. *This* is why you can't live in the past, there's nothing there for you!...We all learn this in different ways, I suppose though, I know I have...
Anyways, thats my thoughts for the night. Time to get off the pc and do something productive.

From the IMDB MessageBoards
I just came up with a different ending for this film. Okay so they have gone five minutes into the future and time is now catching up with them. Now if time is doing this that means that they must be standing still in time. They are not moving or else they would always be five minutes ahead and time wouldn't catch up with them. So time catches up with them and then goes right past them because they are stuck at a specific time. This causes them to be in the past agian and the langoliers eat them. What do you think?
..heh...funny schtuff...
Whatdoyamean?? This is *ipod-related*....isn't it?
i think stephen king stole his ideas.... and changes the aspects of the story and maybe the ending... i remember seeing the Langoleirs on tv as is was made for tv and how it was alot like a "twilight zone" episode with the purple men.... everyone one in the other time's looked like the blue man group... i didn't think the movie was all that great... not that i want to rain on your parade... just my 0.02 dollars
Can't say it was my favorite flick of his either....although most of his books don't adapt well to the screen anyways...
BIGGEST letdown was "The Stand"...awesome book...long-dragged out movie....
"M-O-O-N...that spells bomb'
good to see ya postin' btw man....
Disturbing post, Bro...
Disturbing as in "That messed up the way I process things in my head"?...
Or disturbing like accidentally seeing your 67 year old neighbour changing?
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