I kind of realize I cannot just throw them away, seeing as how, at one point, they were meaningful. Thinking of this though reminds me of a convo I had had with an old love, when she had come across my "box of memories". You see, every guy has a shoebox....no really, its true! Now what the shoebox looks like is always different, but the fact that they have one to keep all those things that make them who they are remains the same. Mine is an old shoebox from the shoes I bought for my wedding, actually. Anyways, upon discovering it and going through it, she found old love letters from girls I had known and was wondering why I had kept them. I didn't really know how to answer her at the time, other then to tell her that "they meant something at the time and to throw them out when the love was gone meant that I was ignoring those times altogether". This troubled her, as it should....I loved "her", not this woman from the past, right?
Quick switch to present day
I now have letters from this woman, whom was wondering why I kept letters from another woman. Do I "keep them in my box of memories for another love to find" or do I dispose of them and forget that those times ever happened? Now, I realize that tossing out the actual material does not mean I am throwing out those memories, but, If I don't need to forget those times, why would I throw out the evidence of them? Shouldn't I respect the owner of these things properly? ... I have decided to mail them back to her. I will keep the memories where only *I* can see them...she can have the actual material to do with as she pleases. Sure, this sounds kinda mean, sending an "old love" old love letters (mean yet ironic)....but, really, its not meant that way. I am a stickler for keeping things in its place...and these things have no real place with me now, do they?
Maybe she will remember the question posed and realize the answer given....maybe....

That and the basic fact that I really don't want that memory in my "box"...for reasons already stated.... if a lesson is learned by it, all the better. But something makes me think that they will not be recieved in that essence....
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