Well, first off, today is my birthday. 33 years old and none the wiser. I gave myself a birthday present of having the phone and cable hooked up, so, this evening, when I get home, I'm chillaxing and getting caught up on my boobtoob.
Now, this is nothing like the birthdays of past. I can remember my 30th birthday. A friend of mine was back visiting from BC and he invited me and another close friend of mine out for "a few drinks"... As it seemed, the "few drinks" they had planned for me was 6 tequilla shooters, all lined up nice and pretty at the bar, followed by a few pitchers of beer. Of course, after shooting the tequilla, the beer more or less anchored me to the seat I had now found at a nearby table. The girls at the table didn't seem to mind me much, of course, I was pretty quiet at first, just trying to make sure the room didn't spin-too-much-type-deal.
Ok, so, next thing I remember, I was in the bathroom, wondering how I got into the bathroom. I wasn't *using* the bathroom...just standing there, in front of the garbage can. Next thing I remember?....telling some guy I had never met before that I thought his shirt looked "girly" and then laughing because it was....next thing I remember?....the floor of a yellow cab, up close. Let me tell ya, ew. Aside from falling through the door of the roommates house, stating to my friend, whom had abandonded me, that "I was goin to sleep where I fall" and passing out on the stairs, that was my birthday.
So, in closing?...I think celebrating my 33rd birthday at home, with NO alcohol present is *probably* for the best...at least I'll know where I'm sleeping.

Hey! Haven't read your blog in a bit, so, Happy Birthday, and Merry Christmas!
Muchos gracias, Ms. Isa-lay Isa-pay!
Sounds like your FINALLY starting to grow up, buddy!
Welcome to the Big Leagues! :P
You'll get to sit at the ADULT table at family and friend gatherings soon :D
Do they have plastic forks and that winnie the pooh tablecloth at the grown-ups table too?
Happy Birthday Ol'friend.. we have something at the house for you. Poop by Cheers!!! T
You want me to take a dump by your house?
*confused look*
Oops .. type O Pop by the house.. Hahahaha. Well if you want come by prolly next time you have a chance....T
I'll try to... but I've been pretty busy lately....
Okay, thats fine. Not sure why u stopped saying hi! T
As I typed, been pretty busy....
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