When their faults interfere with your life though? Its time to put your foot down for what you believe in. I don't regret it....I'm better for not putting up with it anymore.
And, as well, I got to learn about the nature of people and their want to help. With no where to go, a new friend of mine invited me to stay with her til I could get my own place. Its cool too because she knows that we are "just friends"... besides, even though she is very giving, she just isn't my type. Thats ok though, she's good enough to be my friend.
Speaking of my type, went out on a blind date just last night (kind of odd, seeing as how the night before I was virtually homeless) and met a very funny, attractive woman.... Well, I thought, as I usually do on first dates, that it would be awkward and uncomfortable. 6 hours later?..we were still chatting about everything from Life to friends to romance. She's awesome, she just moved back from Ontario to her home in Mount Stewart and you can definately see the Ontario-ian in her (drives like the cops are chasing ... just kidding heh). What started off at 7 PM, ended off with my friend watching me and her say our "goodbyes" (big smile here) in the parking lot at 2 AM. Now I sit here, next day, friend left for work and I kind of want to give my Ontario-PEI lady a call. Maybe I will......

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