Sounds promising, mainly website hosting. Something I would definately be interested in but, since I have taken on Online, they are my first priority (unless Advantage can beat Onlines' offer that is ....
(*hinthintwinkwink* to either companys' heads reading this)
Took some time after work this evening to try out a new cafe. 56 St. Peters Road, Gingers Cafe. I have to tell you, LOOKS CAN BE DECEIVING!! I seen the place a long time ago and thought "just another small-time coffee shop that will likely go under"...but no way man! What coffee shop on the island has 1) Live entertainment on a friday night 2) pool tables 3) smoking room 4) antique harely davidson in the corner? This place blew my mind!! I *highly* recommend it to anyone looking for a different way to go out on a date, as it cuts the traditionality and gives you a little of BOTH coffe shop and pool hall. (and yes, I said I would plug the spot in my blog tonight so there!)
Got to thinking back when I got home. Have been going through a bunch of old pictures. The past 3 years have really been eventful and change-filled for me. This time 3 years ago?...I knew very little about the computer, was kind of withdrawn when it came to meeting people and didn't have any intrest in any kind of "path in Life" Now, I look at myself and see how much I have accomplished over the short period of time that has passed. I've gathered a "cult-like" following online (try google searching DividableFiend), I've managed to pursue one career to its peak and start another, hopefully more fulfilling career, have had several romantic interludes AND have done alot as a Father...and an individual. I guess it just goes to show that *sometimes* you have to look in the rearview in order to see where you've been so you know how far you've come.
Anyhoos, its late and, since its the weekend, I have ALOT of sleeping in to do tomorrow morning :D

2003 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2005
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