Thursday, September 29, 2005

my dim light might be shining someone else's way

Song Of The Moment

I've decided that sometime in the near future, I will own a Macintosh computer. Now, don't get me wrong...working at Online has NOT made me a "machead"....I am just becoming more informed. I am a through and through windows user.....and the old saying "once you go mac, you don't go back" does not apply to me.
BUT....with the speeds and specs a mac has for digital editing and such, its exactly what I need for what I do. (Fact : The third installement of the Lord of the Rings was sent to the US for editing on an ipod)

So, the training at work is starting to slowly trickle to an end, being transitioned onto the floor and troubleshooting problems. First day of troubleshooting and the internal knowledge base for Online goes information!! Good way to toss us trainees into the water! Good thing that my mentor had the knowledge base backed up...IN DOCUMENT FORM! Over 700 pages long! Thats dedication....

Don't get me wrong, this job is neat, what with working with computers and all...but my real goal is to get something more "Office-based". I look at this job as good experience on a resume...get a few courses under my belt while I am at it, and I'm set....

Well, I'm pooped. Long day listening to all the US accents (btw, Californians really DO sound like they are all blonde), and then an invigorating evening entertaining the little one....I am ready for bed.
