Aside from the usual training modules, there really isn't too much to do while in training,...besides surfing. Checking emails, checking messageboards..updating websites (when I can!). Someone told me that Advantage was the place I should apply to, on account of their support for websites and the knowledge I have on them. And I have my name in...until they get a hold of me, I'll never know.....
The people in the training class are a mixed bunch too....a busker (breathes fire and juggles), 2 macheads (you can tell, they talk "mac" like I would talk "windows"..just don't mention windows in front of them *ack*), and me!...well, a bunch of other people too....but their personalities have't really shown up yet..... All for all, fun stuff.
Well, thats all for me for today. Need to finish up my research surfing and call it a night.

A heartfelt debate with a "machead", at this point in time would only further prove how LESS I know.....
I don't think I shoudl hope for a hurricane...seems enough of them going around....I don't think I want that...
And I have found out the best chant for boredom...seeing as how this is a US based call centre...the way you pronounce your alphabet counts on the phone....SO, I have been chanting "ZedZed Top sings Sharp Dressed Man"...just so my "canadian" phonetics can really reach out and touch someone :D
Thanks for the words of support too!
You've always been there for me Lady...muchos gracias.
....and don't even TRY saying "about"...without the "oo" sound in it...once they know you're Canadian, they almost *expect it*!
crap I posted in th wwrong comment box... fiend you almost look handsome... blahdy blahdy blah... who is lisa... slurp slurp slurp.. love ya to bits... I must teach you how to blogg sometime..
Uppie, you crazy New Zealander! LOL (and I was actually going for the Caveman look in that pic, not handsome....wait, you're not looking at the pic of me walking away are you?...STOP LOOKING AT MY ASS!!)
This is Lisa, she's a friend of mine, met through my old boss.....BE NICE!
..pfftt, naw, forget that!
And speaking of blogs, when you going to send out your SPAMALLYOUREMAILCONTACTS blog posting...its been a few weeks you know....
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