Voting is a human right, the right to have someone appointed into a place of power and to make decisions that will, ultimately, affect the way we live. Not once have I voted and not been in favor of the persons standings...this year I have no one to favour. Why should I vote for someone if they are slandering someone else? And, as I said before, I haven't heard anything good yet from ANY candidate, no "I'll increase wages" or "I'll do something about the debt" or "Hell, I'll juggle fire-balls while whistling yankeedoodle". Personally, if I have to ask what you can do for this country, YOU aren't the person I am going to vote for. Thanks.
Its no wonder half the world is at war, isn't it? No one wants to make a difference: all we want to do now is muscle our way into power so we can relax with the big, fat paycheque that comes with the position. All good and fine I suppose....*I'd* do the same, if *I* were a slimy, political character, the sort that has no morals or scruples, the kind that lies somewhere inbetween mud-puddle scum and lawyers in the food chain. But I am not. *I* would NOT make for a good member of parliment. I know that I am not though. I think most of the candidates running should realize this about themselves and stop messing the rest of us around, while they get fat off of our short-comings.
Thats just the thoughts of one disgruntled non-voter though.
