Sunday, October 16, 2005

just like a wound

Song Of The Moment

Mark was my best friend when I was younger. I remember walking around the block, joking with him about girls, parents....everything. I smoked my first cigarette with him, watched my first horror movie with him (and got scared pissless when he followed me home and jumped out at me from behind a tree). When I met my wife, I moved out of town and lost touch with him. When me and my wife split up, Mark moved in with me. He was a different person then the kid I once knew. Hopped up on pills and baggage from old relationships haunting his once laughing mind, it was the hardest thing to do to tell him to leave. It was like telling my past to go away.

I never knew my Dad. Didn't even know what a Father was til I was 18. I had just gotten my drivers license and needed a car to learn on. Mom told me to "ask Dad...he just lives down the road". For the following year, I drove Dads car everywhere, escorting my then girlfriend around in that old Ford Granada. I never believed the stories of how violent Dad was, throwing fits bad enough to scare Mom that us kids would get hurt. To me?...he was just "an old man who was letting me use his car"....and "My Dad".

When I met my wife, I never thought I would marry her. She was loud and brash...everything I disliked. While in the operating room during the birth of my daughter, I remembered the "brash & loud" woman whom I had met so long ago and looked over at this woman, tears in her eyes, holding our little girl. It wasn't the same woman....and even though we are now parted, every once in a while I remember that woman, the one that cried when our daughter sang to us minutes after being born.



Fiend said...

What to write about is the question though.................

Fiend said...

Also, the option to write is always one that is under limited time...what with work and the fact that I am now getting back into my own again, I don't own a computer anymore (thanks char!!) and writing at work isn't much more then a hunt and peck during "hold-time"....but, when I get back going, ya never know.