Remind me again *WHY* I signed up for a free Spymac account? Was it because of the so-called "free webspace" thingy? Was it because it seemed like a professional and sociable service, with reviews all over on how "HighTech" they were? Was it because I *LIKED* the number 404 so much?
I'd opt for the last option, myself. Don't get me wrong though. For almost a FULL 5 MONTHS, Spymac served me well, providing what they had promised in the first place, "Free Web Hosting". I uploaded at a whim...if there was something I wanted to show off, *BAM* it was online. I used my website as a portal to all the other sites I frequented. And it gave me a chance to get creative with FrontPage and DreamWeaver as well.
But then, it all went sour. One day, I couldn't connect. I let it be, thinking it was *MY* fault...that maybe the PC I was on was having network issues. Next day, same thing. I went to the spymac support page and found a lovely little post titled "I can't connect to my disc/server". ALMOST 3 MONTHS LATER AND I AM STILL CHECKING THIS THREAD FOR UPDATES ON WHEN I CAN GET ACCESS TO MY SITE BACK!!! I was successful in verifying my account though. It seems Spymac had some "minor server problems" (Major Crash is how it was described just recently by ONE of the only TWO tech support people working for this site), and everyone lost access to their accounts. Spymac is boasting that it is the oldest mac community online, with a public audience of a few hundred thousand people. .... AND ONLY TWO PEOPLE IN TECH SUPPORT!!! After the nightmare of verifying (SMS codes to cell phones, sending 1.19 payment to them through Paypal, emailing them day after day after day for more info), it happened.
I got "THE EMAIL".
Dear DividableFiend,
Thank-you for taking the time to verify your account with Spymac.
Your access to your 1GB of storage space should be back online soon. We
appreciate your contributions to the community and involvement with Spymac.
For help on how to access your files, see the following help topic:
Enjoy your online experience with Spymac. For further assistance, please contact
The Spymac Team
I rushed to the computer, entered in my old password and I was back IN!!! ... but, everything was GONE!!! ... Oh well, I said. At least I can start uploading again. So what if I have to re-build my entire site again. Hey! I needed to update it anyways, right?
So, off I go to my FrontPage and DreamWeaver, Starting from scratch and making some pretty good starter pages. I upload ONE PAGE...ONE!!!...and all of a sudden I get error messages.
Back to my good old "I connect to my disc/server" thread I go...only to discover that the entire spymac site is GONE! ERROR 404'ed!!!
My deduction? After getting all our cash, the TWO Tech guys unplugged their 386 and disconnected the dial-up modem, caught a bus for Bangladore and left all us "Spy's" in the dark.
maybe I'm wrong.... but if I am, then I deserve something free for all this. HELL, THATS WHAT I THOUGHT I WAS GETTING IN THE FIRST PLACE. ...and yes, I know. "Nothings Free"...but does this mean I spent 1.19$ to upload one page?...that I can't even SEE anymore?
WOW! Am I *ever* enjoying "my Spymac experience"!! Kinda feels somewhat like getting done from behind!.....with a broken bottle!

I have seized control of this particular posting!!!
ALL posts will be summarily reviewed and deleted!!!
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