Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Butterfly Angels & Baby Grapes

Song Of The Moment

Re-posted for Valentines Day (originally drafted in Sept. 2005)

"Once upon a time, there was a lonley man. He lived alone, he worked alone and he slept alone. He was happy in the thought that he was doing things on his own, though, and did not realize how lonley he was. One day, the man met a beautiful woman who lived far, far away. He thought, at first, that she was different from most people and loved talking to her. But soon, they were talking all the time, falling asleep on the phone together, sending each other little notes for each other... they were in love. The woman had children and, once the man met them, it was love at first sight. The man had a child as well, but did not see her all the time. Because of this, he was unsure of his feelings for the girls children. He knew he cared for them but was afraid to show it. As well, they lived far, far away from each other and could not see each other as much as they wanted to.
"One day, the two decided to live with each other. They spent weeks happily packing things together and traveling it to the womans place. The thought of being with each other more brought peace to the mans heart and he was not alone anymore. He had someone to love...."

This is where, traditionally, the story ends with an "and they all lived happily ever after."

Unfortunately, this is a new age fairy tale,and must continue as such...

"One day, the man got jealous. He wanted to be with the woman more and more, and when he wasn't with her, he thought the worst was happening. He wanted to talk to the woman...but he didn't. He felt like his world, this new world of happiness, was slowly unraveling underneath him.
Soon, the two started fighting....and the love disappeared. The man moved back to whence he came and the woman stayed where she was. After some time, the man realized what a mistake he had made and tried to get back together with the woman. But she was hurt by the man and did not want him to hurt her anymore. This hurt the mans' heart and he grew sad. He missed her and he missed out on allowing his feelings for her to show."

This story is unfinished...as is so many others in this world...............................

....love doesn't disappear just like that. It fades, sometimes silently, sometimes violently.....but it doesn't just stop. Happy Valentines day to all whom have none.



Anonymous said...

You have a way with words,Mr. Fiend. I shed a tear when I read that. It reminded me of old loves and how the pain never dies, it only dulls. If I could, I would ask your "woman" to take you back...but I can't. I hope everything works out for you.


Fiend said...

Thanks slatzl. I wish you could ask her to take me back too...but I don't think it would help, actually. She's a strong-willed person when she has made up her mind.

Anonymous said...

I hear ya bro....maybe she just needs a few weeks to let it all die down
Whatever it is man, if you really love her, don't give up!

Anonymous said...

i've read your blog for the past few months and i think you deserve another chance. you didn't cheat on her and you sound like you really love her and her kids you were just scared hang in there!! it won't last forever!!!!

Fiend said...

well, slatzl, this doesn't seem like its going to "die down"....she's given up on me. I don't blame her, really....my jealousy was pretty bad. I just wish I had of taken the chance and talked with her when I could have....

Thank you chrissy...I *was* scared. But now it's too late...I got 2 chances before this, and I never talked about anything with her when she took me back. I'm an idiot....

Anonymous said...

Well, freaky buddy...

as the old man said on his deathbed:

"Too soon we get old, too late we get smart."

You'll make it through this. Just remember, you do have REAL friends that do care for you.


Fiend said...

I know....regretting the past is something I don't like doing. It just happens. Wanting something or someone back is normal. I just wish I didn't hurt so bad, is all.

Fiend said...

Wow, I didn't realize the old comments would get re-posted....

Anonymous said...

ok, I take it back... You DON'T have real friends that care for you! :P


Buddy, you know you shouldn't dwell on the past. I understand why you do. But, it ain't healthy. Try to limit the amount of "regretting" you do.

A little will keep you from repeating your mistakes, too much can make you suicidal. :s

After all, you have a NEW life now, time to start living FOR it, instead of just enduring it.

Give my love to that little angel who told me on the phone that "My Daddy is Coo-Coo!".

Fiend said...

its amazing, the power words have. They can inspire dreams, mold leaders and destroy minds. Thank you for your comment dude. Muchly appreciated

Anonymous said...

Hey Fiend,
Karma has a way of making sure that everything turns out all right in the end. We are being punished right now, but we will be rewarded for it somehow.
KD will fall down from on high... lol...
Have a good one.

Fiend said...

Hopefully the "KD Falling Down From High" is out of box...those corners HURT!

Anonymous said...

jump up and down till your balls fall back out of your stomach and be a man...
give your head a shake and think of what is the future...
christ..the past is where all of life's mistakes are, the future is where you make the best of things cuz of the shit you have been through.
suck it up and move on...man, if you were closer i would slap this silly crap out of your head...

have a nice day

that is all

Fiend said...

I understand the "make the best of things, move on, think to the future" yadayadayada stuff.

But c'mon....EVERYONE has low moments in their Life. *I* am the same. And when I do, I react much like anyone else. I regret, I dwell.....I express it in the only way I know how...and I move on. Its a process. But its a process I know well and do alot.

I don't live in the past. Its back there* points behind himself*...I don't wait til the furture....it will never arrive. I am here...in the now.

THAT is all.

Fiend said...

and if you're reading this Guru?...YES I KNOW HOW TO SPELL "FUTURE"!!!!


Anonymous said...

SURE you do...

Just like:





Fiend said...

Don't you mean "w/e"....sheesh!