Work is work. I walk people through how to fix their technical problems on their computers and sell them protection for the future. I take their money and filter it through the organization so it can make more problems for us to fix. And the circle of wealth continues, as the person sitting at the desk beside me explains to little julie that if she gets her Daddy to pay 59$, all her problems will be fixed up. Then the guy beside me explains how he can't afford to pay his light bill because he has to spend it on car insurance. At least his dome light still works....
I watched at the bars, as the gold-diggers target their prey, the drunken socialites who take them home, feed their need and supply them with the hope that their scheming ways are justified by titling everything as "love". I watch the drunken drunks sloop on their stools, wondering aloud why they can't take that beauty home. I laugh inside, knowing that they can't because they have suffered enough.
Even after watching goldmines go slipping through the eye of a needle and great minds get snapped by the single hair of a woman, after selling my soul and saying its for "the greater good" as I watch my castles crumble....after all of that, I still have hope that its all for something. That good will win and evil wil lose, like in my little ones fairy tales. I have faith. I am not an unthinking machine.

Your thinking too much!
It's simple:
1) Don't hide the truth of how nasty the world can be (from your daughter or yourself). Use the bad things you see and expierence as LEARNING tools.
2) Don't buy anything on credit you can't pay off in three months (Homes excluded.
3) stop drinking and meet some nice people... Go to an Internet Cafe, Starbucks, or Second Cup instead of Louie's Cheap Booze Pub...
4) Make fun of the people that show up at Starbucks driving Beamers. (Whats the difference between a Beamer and a porcupine? The Porcupine has the pricks OUTSIDE!).
5) Stop going for "flash" and go for "Quality". Looks don't count for shit - Attitude is much more important. We Always get what we deserve. Move yourself UP the Karma list.
There you go... Five rules. Even YOUR brain should be able to handle them.
1. I always try to retain a lesson from everything that happens to me. Yesaterdays lesson was "You can't change someone that WON'T change themselves. Learn their patterns instead and adapt to it."
2. I have been waiting since Sept. to buy a 600 dollar car, only because my "free cheque" occurs in April. This does not mean I won't use that cheque as a down payment, though.
3. I don't drink as much as I used to. Last drink I had was on New Years Eve. Rum n cokes...mmm. As for going to coffee shops, please see #2 for reason why I don't.
4. The rich are impervious to how they act and can either be
A. Nice people
B. real assholes or
C. little o' both
Being rich means having the comfort of acting like a dick and having money behind you to back it up!
5. Repeat after me...
"Moley moley moley moley MOLE".
I thnk I'll get what I deserve all right.... I just wish I was clear on what that was sometimes. Incidentally, the whole Karma thing has eluded me for a while. If Karma is what I think it is, I should be winning my new Beamer anyday now!
Muchos gracias for the thoughts though, Guru!
Well I agreed with Guru. I like what you have for the 5 Main rules. Wow you do add to much thought for things. I occassionally read this and find you are a thinker but this one kinda troubles me.. You put to much thought into these types of things. Karma is a true fact and always remember the ones who are good to you.. Because Karma comes back to haunt you sometimes(not sure why). I know that for a fact because I never stop helping people when they need it I find oodles and oodles of good things and blessings in my life. And for making fun of the Make fun of the people that show up at Starbucks driving Beamers. (Whats the difference between a Beamer and a porcupine? The Porcupine has the pricks OUTSIDE!). to Quote Guru. I agree..... the little (Weewee)beamers make them fill big who try to use fancy expensive cars
I like this one to Quote Guru "5) Stop going for "flash" and go for "Quality". Looks don't count for shit - Attitude is much more important. We Always get what we deserve. Move yourself UP the Karma list." It is so true.. The ones are much better.
Now when you remember those who helped you in times of down or help someone who has down times Karma comes to you in ten fold. I know that. If you take that for granted then it actualy bites us on the A$$I don't know why but thats my two cents. I know that is true in my book. So food for thought...........................
To anonymous and evenstar
You two think alot alike....and have totally mis-read what I wrote.
Allow me to elaborate.
When I say that "I'll be expecting to win a beamer anyday now", I am referring to how GURU has referred to it as. "who drive beamers are assholes with money." If karma IS following me, I'll get what I want but turn into a real asshole in doing it. Follow? No? Thats ok. I was trying for a play on words. If you didn't get it, thats ok. Sometimes my thoughts are a little too deep.
As for the whole Karma and quality over flash issues... I know TONS of people with good attitudes. Most of them do NOT attract me in the least. I know lots of FLASH. Their personalities disgust me. Physical attraction is a MAINSTAY when it comes to feelings. Sad but true.
As for karma?.... way *I* look at it, I've helped almost EVERYBODY I have known. Not ONE OF THEM have treated me fairly. All users. If karma comes back to "bite your A$$"?, then its biting someones ass as I speak, over something that frigged me over on a while ago. And yes, I've used people as well. Last Fall, when my "friends" kicked me out because I was open and opinionated about how they treated their kids, I crashed at a chicks place. She was rather obese and had a crush on me. I was disgusted by this BUT stayed there so I could save cash. In a sense, I used her. It wasn't MY fault that her looks AND her personality were enough to make me gag, was it? I have opinions and thoughts on things! And if staying there so I could get back on my feet again was using in any way, then karma is coming back at me ONLY BY saying "There. You used someone like they used you. Good stuff."
That is all.
Life sucks, what else can you say.
But we have to keep sludging through it every day, to what end?
You never know how it's all going to end up.
Sorry, my french fails me sometimes...
~ la fin~
Bien sur, mon ami.
La fin, c'est aussi le commencement d'une autre jour. Vous etes vraiment une poete au coeur.
Mon francais n'est pas ci bon que dans le annees avant, mais ca suffit pour ce que je veux.
Aurevoir a demain,
Si le bien-être
Mon estomac blesse
j'ai besoin de la nourriture
j'ai obtenu juste payé pourtant je suis calme s'est cassé
Si le bien-être
Je possède un ordinateur mais ai seulement des condiments dans mon frigo
je peut regarder des images de
nourriture sur google bien que
je lèche d'habitude l'écran le
Si le bien-être
Mon travail suce parfois Mais a des alors il y temps quand
j'obtiens pour surfer des sites et trouve
franslators français
Si le bien-être
~la fin~
break.com .. Check this out... I thought you might like this...
It has funny clips you might want to used with that sense of humor. Checkout the drunken Hamsters..
Do NOT get me started with "funny links"!!!
Do NOT even THINK about clicking on this line!!
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