Another year passes. Things change every day. Everything I had is either gone or slowly slipping away. Except myself. I am still here.
My old job of 8 years vanished. They are missing out. My friends? Most of them vanished. A few are still around, virtually anyway. Family seems as distant as mars. Had to move from the place I called home for 8 years as well because of a former friend being selfish and unthinking. Oh well, you know what? I'M STILL HERE!!
What have I been doing lately? My #1 hobby of late has been converting old VHS tapes to digital and uploading old commercials I have found to my YouTube channel. Shameless self-promotion alert!

I've also started playing some of my old video game consoles. Getting hooked on Super Mario Bros 3 for the NES and Resident Evil 4 for the Gamecube (even if Professional mode was probably not a good decision to try to accomplish).
Working at yet ANOTHER CALL CENTRE. But, it's only out of need for income. I am still looking for something better that won't make me any more jaded towards people. Because there is good out there yet to be found, I am sure of it.
Living with a very very good friend of mine. She has been one of the only people that has stuck around during the past few tumultuous years and has proven to be someone who actually cares bout me, even if on FB we're "complicated".
Haven't heard from my daughter for over a year though, and that is starting to really bring me down. The only thing that keeps me going is the fact that nothing will change the fact that I am her father, even if I never see her again. I hope the latter changes however. I miss seeing her alot.
Ok, that's it for me for now.
I just happened to be browsing random blogs. Your blog truly caught my eye. There are happy endings in this life Hugh. I hope all works out well between you and your daughter.
Peace Hugh =)
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