Life encompasses me
Circling around the room
Can't grab hold of it
Can only reflect my image onto it
It would appear that I am needed
Even though most would disagree
My eyes can't lie
I am the judge of that
So you spread your hate
Seeding it deep
How listless to productive work you are
When your spite grows more every day
Content with my place
At ease with shortcomings
Is it all for a greater purpose
Or is this just another dice toss?
Not that it matters
I'm here ... can't change that
So, why is it, instead of making good of it
I'm buried in a nameless grave?
To Hell with your opinion
Just as mine was cast to flames
It's time to count the failures by what was learned
Not by what went wrong
Control is in the eye of the beholder
And you have none over me
This path grows more interesting
And I really can't stop to chat
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