I remember when my wife left me, hurt alot, all I had was my little girl. Big responsibility for someone who's Life just came crashing down. Time though has a way of not exactly mending peoples scars, but allowing them to forget the scars. Some things are just more important.
I am sorry if you don't want me to be her Father, but I am. I don't know if that's how you feel, but it seems like it most days. I am equally as sorry that you are mad at me, more because I don't know how to stop it. All I can tell you are the facts. You have full custody of my Daughter. My Daughter has a Father who loves her very much.
Please don't keep her away from me again."
2 hours spent writing this. Trying to delete what was being written out of vengeful spite. In the end though, I couldn't click that little "Add Comment"" button. 'Sleep on it' a friend advised. So I did.
And now, here it is, a part of the whole. A short chapter in the story, tucked away in my world, openly viewable by all. I won't continue the fight by adding fuel directly to the fire, but I won't keep the shit in either.
Bottled shit smells badly after a while.

change is hard, blind mellon was in Edmonton this weekend, who knew?
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