Monday, September 10, 2007

Fearlessly the idiot faced the crowd

We all try, we all fail ... not all of us notice. Its true that we learn from our mistakes and experience makes us wiser but I think I'm better off for the time being not noticing the failures.

Something is telling me to just sit back and chill out

I remember back before it all changed. Living was all about laughing and never looking back. Through a Gaussian filter I see it all now though, and Time has a way of playing with the facts. Its best if I don't try to change what is behind me back there, and just keep it saved in my memories, my own way.

So now, here I stand. Just woken up from a sleep that seemed to never have a beginning. Yesterday is just a blurred image, becoming more and more obscure as the layers of dust settle on it. But yesterday, I woke up much the same way as today. If this is acceptance of morality, why won't I remember it tomorrow?

Because Life is ever-changing. And I am standing on 12:00 AM.



Unknown said...

Flashing 12:00.
And really, that's what my life's always like. Great shit, ain't it.
Goddamn. If I could even find the freaking power plug, it would be fine.

peijoe said...

Beautiful, could bring a tear to the eye of a savage.