Ok, lets backtrack here. I work 2 jobs, 1 full-time, 1 part-time.
With me so far?
Ok, so, Full-time job pays me on time. They always do, direct deposit & such. I spend what I have to and am short about 150 bucks for rent.
But thats okay! ... why? Because I have a part-time job, thats why. And with the hours I spend working with them, after the full-time job, I have just enough to make up the difference for rent and get groceries.
"Yeah, Mister landlord, sir. Here's 3/4 of the rent. Can you drop by tomorrow at about 6. I'll have the rest for ya tomorrow"
"Hey Mister Assistant to the Boss. Give me a call when the check's are done tomorrow, ok? About 5:30? The checks'll be done around then, right? .. cool."
Tick Tick Tick Tick 5:00 Tick Tick Tick Tick 5:30 Tick Tick Tick 6:00
*Ring Ring*
"Hey Mister Assistant to the Boss, check's done yet? What? Not 'til tomorrow? Wh-what? The Boss said he would call me about it? ... yeah, I got to pay rent ... at...at 6. No, nope he didn't call me... wow, I don't think he SHOULD call me... um, what am I..... WOW, I have no cigarettes, no gas..... He's out playing POOL? Yeah, I have to stop talking about this, I'm getting mad and I want to yell, ok?"
Simple communication.
Useful but little known tool in the eyes (and ears) of the absent-minded.

yea I know the kind of fucking ass hole you are talking about. Just reading your blog enrages me. I bet the boss man, slow to pay is not slow collecting from his customers. I know a fucking slum lord that lives in a fancy house and her and her husband have hight profile jobs here in chtown. I saw the other side of this c--t. the guy didn't get paid as expected so she put the pressure on the poor slob that she is renting another apt to a bit cheaper so he can be called the landlord to get the money or put the guy that is already down on hiss luck out. What a fucking bitch. I hate fucking phony ass holes and there are so many around LOl thanks pal for giving me the space to rant. I understand your situation completely. I will have to look up a daily affirmation for this LOL
Keep your stick on the ice and things will work out and fuck the landlord let him/her wait
1. you know the policy about pay checks is they go in the mail on monday morning and you can expect them in the timely fashion that the Canadian Postal Service operates...
2. it was a long weekend... thus you can count on a 1 day delay with mail on the holiday not happening...
3. the bosses assistant was informed about a week prior to the day you expected to get paid and could have informed you as he was supposed to inform everyone...
i know it's assumed that you will pick up your cheques on every payroll day but the boss was under the impression there would be more communication between both parties... so i think if you call the boss before any payroll say as early as thursday you might have a better chance of getting your cheque in advance rather then after the delay...
for the record the boss was not out playing pool he was playing music trivia...
1. I was informed from Day 1 that instead of waiting for the cheques to be mailed, I would be paid on Sunday. If the Boss wants to take this back, I think it might be best if the Boss tells me right away and sticks to it, so no false hopes or incorrect expectations are set.
2. Seeing as how having the cheque mailed was not something I was informed was going to happen, the long weekend and the delay it had on the postal service did not take a toll on this.
3. As I have stated quite clearly in my entry, Simple Communication is a VERY very powerful tool.
As far as calling my Boss early so I can get my cheque in advance, thats not what I want. I do not want an "advance" on my cheque, I want a set day I can expect to get paid. Given this moral advice, I guess I should ask my boss right now what day I can expect to get paid from now on so, as I have already said, no false expectations are set.
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