Now, personally, I do not know if I should feel complimented, insulted or ripped-off. Having a celebrity voice is cool....but starring on a Printer CD Installation won't win me any Oscars, dammit!! Anyways, in trying to accept this new "Psuedo-Printer" me, I made a techno song about it. *Note to self : Find a legal copy of FruityLoops 3*
In other news, I recently sent out one of those "spam" emails. The one that asks the responder to send back ONE WORD that best describes me. Normally, I don't like replying to spam but this one seemed interesting enough. The words I got back intrigued me even MORE!
Para said "Unique" : meaning I'm one of a kind, I guess (good thing, eh?)
My old girlfriend said "fun" : which can mean many things, considering...
LadyMoon said "enticing" : meaning I cause others to think (*not always* a good thing)
Charmsie said "Original" : nothing worse then having a FAKE, is there *checks id*
A fellow co-worker said "hobo" : meaning I do tech support and have a fridge full of condiments!
...and in response to Ivanas reply ... "I think fuckoff is supposed to be two words"
Imagine the dating ad I could create JUST OUT OF THESE ONE WORD QUIPS??!!
"Unique, enticing, fun and original hobo seeking romance. Fuckoff"

Fuckoff is certainly only one word... but so is youreafuckingbitch! lol
Sweet ass.
I'm a hobo too... too welfare to eat
- too welfare to eat anything but 5 jars of relish and some ketchup.....
I have pickles too
Would that make a good pick-up line, ya think?
"Hi *insert girls name here*."
"Hi Hugh"
"I have pickles too."
*sniffs fingers nervously*
Personally I like the packages of Mayo and Soy Sauce.
Condimentally speaking (heh, *I* said "mentally"), I like the little tubs of donair sauce you can get at certain pizza shops. Nothing like a slice of pizza dipped in donair sauce :)
Barbra I'm Totally Crying Here - BITCH
and forget clamato
rum and ketchup yum
I love it when people post comments when high LOL
If your NOT high Ex-Boss-Man, I apologize. ..... and good luck with that TinFoil Hat, ok?
'mixes up some mustard and tonic'
You people have problems... lol
But so do I, so do I.
"I" dont have problems...
Everybody else does....
The "voices" say I don't have problems....they refer to them as "issues".
Those voices are your friendly QA team... and I seem to be their hatchet man from time to time.
That is a good thing in my books.
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