Now, normally, that would be a big problem. I am completely addicted to smoking. I have only been able to quit for MAX of a week. When I am croaking for a cig, I cannot concentrate on anything other then "getting my next cig". Getting the "next cig" can be anything from bumming off someone to "rolling a cigarette out of butts". Disgusting and degrading but this is the case of most people whom are addicted to something.
I have always been concerned with cancer. Both my parents died of it. Both of my sisters have had it. Now, after working at a call centre for about 4 months, I have developed a weird "lump in my throat". I am not sure if this is because I am talking more now and my vocal cords are being strained or if it is a cancerous lump, possibly holding lung cancer and the loss of my voice. At this point, my paranoia has reached a peak. Bad enough that I made a doctors appointment to have it checked.
This makes me think about my past post as well, involving my old boss. He had quit smoking. Still has, as far as I know. Anyone with the will-power to quit an addictive chemical for more then a month has an A+ in my books...BUT...its how they quit that gets to me. Yes, quitting something leads to withdrawal and erratic behavior. I can understand that. But, if someone has quit for over a year, the cravings should be either abated or "dealt with". In other words, saying your crabby and mean BECAUSE you quit smoking a year ago doesn't fly.
In other news, I have been asked recently to make modifications to my blog, on account of certain things posted were meant for my eyes only. I have honored that request, in the hopes that in posting it in the first place, the person has learned what it sounded like by reading it over and over and over. I think they have....hell, I learned my lesson from the whole ordeal a long time ago. Now, if only I can learn the lesson of "Quitting something harmful being good for me".....

Ahh yes, I see, still are you smokeless... My gosh.. I am glad to hear things are good. I still would like to give that present to you.. I know you have been busy.. And I am only wanting to share... And you know that sharing is a ood thing.. Is there anythign you need in furniture wise.T!
OH BTW Forgot to say I really like one...The psot T
post.. ( jeez cant type.. As u already know ....)
crabby and mean BECAUSE you quit smoking for the first couple months is the way she goes apparently...
now it's just the odd craving... and when stress comes the thought of smoking comes to mind... but it would cause more stress to start again as i have already designated the money i would spend on smokes... to debt of course... but at least im smelling nice and i don't need my puffer anymore...
i hope you don't have cancer
Hey, Hey! Things are good here. Might have new job. Maybe I will pop by and leave it for you if you do not want to come and say hi.. Well Hope things are well. T
a year has 12 months, apparently...
I really, really hope it is just a strained muscle or something. My health has always been good and when something like this happens, my paranoia levels go through the roof!
*Doctors appt on wednesday anyways though...thanks for the well-wishes*
I have been diagnosed with..............
Acid reflux.
Sodium tablets for the next 2 weeks.....
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