#1. I'm a hermit by choice. I've realized how easy it is to get screwed over and have chosen not to get associated with that. You will REALLY have to impress the crap outta me for ME to pay attention.
#2. Got sick of seeing how predictable people are a long time ago. If you think I don't know what you're up to, try me. I will prove you wrong.
#3. Don't lie to me. Why would you even do that? If you can't be yourself around me, (this DOES include telling me when to grow up, when to shut up, etc.) you need to re-evaluate whom you are being false to, ok? You're two-facing a hermit. That's kind of stupid, to be honest.
#4. Do NOT think I am your friend because I a. talked to you that one time b. had an inane chatter conversation with you or c. because you think I am your friend. I have had 3 real friends in my Life. Only 1 is still around and that's enough for me, thanks. Please see #1.
#5. If you should ever feel the need to show how smart/important/liked you are, please direct your haughty braggings elsewhere. I do not now, nor will I ever, feel the need to fill my head with your hot air. I've got enough hot air to do us both, ok? I'm like a freakin' HELIUM balloon! Again, see #1.
So, that's that! All clear? YAY!

I wish you wouldn't use the "R" word.
It is such a hurtful word when your own son is mentally challenged.
the r word is like a knife in the heard and takes my breath away when I hear it being used. I know it means being "slow" It doesn't mean the handicapped do not have feelings.
It also means a parent always has his little boy or girl who loves them unconditionally even when they are 30 years old because to daddy they are only eight.
Tks , just my feelings being expressed
I meant to say a knife in the heart
lol could be misunderstood to be head I get that feeling from all the cunts I have to deal with ever day
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