Tuesday, August 28, 2007

he tries to please them all, this bitter man he is

As normal as it all gets, its still kind of permeated with thoughts. If I had amnesia, I'd probably be content, but unfortunately I have memories. Some good, some bad, most in the in-between area of "just there". Keep thinking that it will be like the stories say "...and on his death bed, the blind man said 'I see...' and then passed away."
The least I can do is to stop trying to correct old passages of time and do what I can now. I'll make mistakes, ... everyone does. But I'm living right now.


peijoe said...

HI Fiend. As I was reading a passage to day from a book I have I thought of you and this blog. It said,
When I am anxious it is because I am living in the future. When I am depressed it is because I am living in the past.
Among other things it says. It is easy to spend too much time rummaging around in the closet or our memories. Opportunities lost years ago, promising relationships that almost (but didn't) workout, real or imagined rejections - these can all be dragged out of the closet and made to dance on the stage of our consciousness.
You so rightly say you are living right now and the ending of this passage says "My healthy choice to day is to live these 24 hours, thinking of this day as having bright potential untarnished by yesterday" I read these words and know they are true but to actually live them is another thing.I keep thinking of you saying "he tries to please them all, this bitter man is he" I am often the "he' I find a lot of hope in your messages I see in here. Keep writing and live for the moment