Wednesday, June 20, 2007

It's okay to be angry and never let go

Song Of The Moment

So broken.
Head full of voices
& sentimentality.

Lived this way so long,
can't release them or please them.
Wish for amnesia.

Put on a smile and lie to the world.
Make-believe stories and twisted truths'
mask me

Only those that can read my words when I talk
and hear what I say when I write
could even start to understand.

So I'm alone ...
So are we all.



peijoe said...

HI Ciao
I read your blogs and relate so well to them. I am always angry. I have the tools to help me get over it but I am not sure I want to. I read where you say it is ok to hold anger and I do but I don't believe it is healthy. I wish I had the talent you have with words. You are a beautiful writer. I am a just another boozo on the bus but I do have this great book called Daily affirmations. I read them but don;t believe them , maybe because of the hurt in my past and the anger in the present. I just want to write something from the book for you about anger. Hope you can see something worth while in i.
Today I will work on ways to get rid of my anger. I can make rational and healthy decisions about the ways I intend to express myself. Whether through counseling, keeping a journal, yelling, or confronting. I will search out a method to express myself. One thing I will not do is internalize my anger. I will not swallow my rage (love that word "rage") by rationalizing that I was guilty or responsible for what happened to me in the past. I will keep myself free from stomach aches , backaches and other problems that result from denying my emotions. My anger will not kill anyone. I am a powerful person - but my emotions are not powerful enough to strike someone down. For my own mental and physical health, I will change my attitude toward any unhealthy rule I have learned about blocking free expression. I refuse to stay in a trap where I seethe in anger or wallow in depression. With a free will and a free mind, I enjoy free expression of my emotions.
Great words if I could stop being so angry and apply them.

Fiend said...

"Today I make way for the good. Gratitude fills my mind and heart as I give thanks."

Hey Joe. Thanks for the kind words. Thats todays affirmation above, according to I usually use this blog as a sort of 'venting ground' or 'mental garabage can', if you know what I mean, and its nice to know that someone takes something good from it.
Anger can either be fuel for the engine or the fire. Once you realize that, you can re-direct it wisely...

peijoe said...

Thanks I book marked that site. Was looking at a few and saw the word
God so felt the anger build up and decided now is not the time to look at that. My book talks more about a high power or spirit rather than God (they may be one and the same but for me there is a difference) I am a guy that is walking on the street with a smile and happy looking while inside I am a raging idiot and a bit of a pervert (in some peoples eyes) But I play the game called life. Fuck is my favorite word and I use it a lot. It always means anger within for me.
I will stop rambling but want once again to let you know how much I can appreciate what you write about.
There is a certain amount of comfort in knowing u r not alone in u r thoughts.
Look forward to reading more from you