Then, of course, there was MegaMan. My nephew & I would rent it from Videotron, just 5 minutes walk down the road from where we would play it religiously... all weekend, all night. We'd stay up til 2 or 3 in the morning, trying to get past this boss and that boss. Waking up would be "Did you save it?" to be responded "yeah" by me, with what we called "Nintendo-Eye"... where you played Nintendo so long, your eyes blurred and actually hurt and your thumbs were numb...NUMB!
So now, watching my young one play video games, its ok. I don't ban them. I don't fully condone them either though. But, if she looks back on her childhood and remembers her accomplishment at how she figured this puzzle out on this old video game, thats not so bad. Is it?

i'm currently hooked on fight night 2004 for ps2... my tthumbs are really sore.... i can't flick a lighter with my thumbs... it hurts... ouch...
Resident Evil 4 for me, currently.
Finished the game a while ago...damn mini-games are friggin' addictive... something about cocking a shotgun and blowing zombie-dudes' heads off keeps me coming back for more!
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