With that said and done, lets assume the worst is true. Lets say I have cancer. I watched my Mom and Dad die of cancer. It was nowhere near pretty. Months spent deteriorating in the hospital, only to die of a cold. I was in my 20's when my parents died. Mom at 54, Dad at 62. My young one is only 7. I want to leave her with more memories then just the past 7 years.
But what if its too late?
Re-establish home-base. Unfortunately, this revelation at my short time here has changed how I see things, once again. If I didn't care before, I *really* don't care now. When I say "don't care", what I really mean is, why worry about the consequences? You only have a short time here. Do it like you can't do it again.

I love my doctor. Here I am, all freaked out, thinking of death. And all he has to do is rub 2 lumps and say "meh, they don't hurt do they?...well, they look ok to me!"
Apparently, there are 3 things you need to know about lumps regarding cancer.
1. If its not painful or tender, its of no concern.
2. If you can move it around, its of no concern. (Cancer cells attach themselves like concrete)
3. Men have 3 balls! 2 testicles and a epidenimin (sp?) the third *appears* to be a tumour, but it is not. Its a junction point between the 2 testicles and the rest of the works.
Apparently, I do this almost every year.
Get all freaked out about lumps.
Have the doctor feel them.
Get reassured and sent on my merry way.
I'll be good now til next Summer, I guess.
I'm gonna bribe your doctor to lie to you.
That should be good for a few sick jokes. :D
I can finally call in "dead"!!
~~QUOTE: Apparently, I do this almost every year.
Get all freaked out about lumps.
Have the doctor feel them.
Get reassured and sent on my merry way.
Nah, you just want an old man to fondle your privates.
*cries pathetically*
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