Song Of The Moment
A-Typical blog entry. Lets see, whats new and interesting. Well, a few days ago, my older sister called to inform me that my younger sister had a relapse. The cancer that she has been fighting for 12 years is back. And do you think this information would drive me to even ATTEMPT to quit smoking? I know I have to, but its so addictive.
After I flicked out my cigarette, I walked away from my friends campsite. I needed some room to think. It was nice of them to let me crash with them and invite me along for their outings but all the family things they were doing was dragging up old memories. Walking past the campers and campfires, I saw the payphone....
Trying to get ahold of my ex-girlfriend in S'side so I can get my box of pictures from her. Normally, I wouldn't bother and just treat it like a fire, like I have been all this time, but all my framed pictures of my little one, Mom & Dad, even my High School Diploma are in that box. Emailing her isn't working. No replies back. Going to have to call her on the phone, I guess, and get it over with.
Dropped a quarter in the payphone and dialed the number again. Heart in throat, I listened for the click as the call was answered. "Hello?" .... silence was all I had inside of me and was all that was spoken into my end. "I know you're there and don't think you can scare me! Why are you calling?".... again, I had no answer and held my words, trying to picture the kitchens warmth.
Last weekend, the little one and I spread construction paper all over the kitchen floor and finger/hand/foot/elbow/knee painted. I now have 5 less bottles of washable paint and a large work of art on the living room wall. She's so artistic and talented at times. I hope she never loses that part of her.
"Listen, all you're doing is waking up your daughter, calling at this hour of the night. If you think I'm going to take this bullshit, you're sorely mistaken. And don't think I'll give you the satisfaction of hanging up first, if thats........"....the words, harsh and biting, start to mute, droning down to just the sounds in my head. Memories of calling the house and hearing friendly voices. My Father-In-Laws' hearty laugh as I cracked a stupid pun, Mother-In-Laws' strict and proper tone. A want to ask if those people were there rises up, but then I realize that this is my EX Mother-In-Law, hissing evilly into the reciever. I lay the phone down on the metal stand and walk away.....
Today is the first day of my Vacation! 1 1/2 weeks of relaxing and spending time with my little one. Not much funds to actually do anything much, but just having her over, spending time as a Dad, is nice enough for me. Maybe next year I'll have a car ( After my vacation, going to take out a small loan for a used car, incidentally), and will be more able to take her out to do things.
Walking towards the campsite and where my old Nissan Sentra is parked, muffler half falling off but stereo blaring. My aforementioned buddies had flipped my windsheild wipers upside down, in an attempt at humour. I laughed at this and my buddies girlfriend asks "You didn't call her again, did you?" "No, of course not." I said with my mouth but my friend could see my eyes had another story.
