After I walked xxxxxx home yesterday, I was confronted with a nice message from you when I got back to MY home. As much as I like to talk civilly about OUR Daughter, the flip-side is I RESENT scare tactics...ALOT! I have endured your form of "Parenting" for about 7 years now. I have "been the fool for" and "put up with" your threats, criticism and bullshit for far too long. As of today, you are not welcome here. Do NOT call my number. Do NOT leave messages on my machine. I do NOT want you living on my answering machine. If something comes up, find someone ELSE to notify me. Yes, thats right. YOU find someone else. YOU put up with restrictions because of YOUR stupidity.
To further summarize, if you want to end a sentence with "or else xxxxx won't be coming over to your place ever again", I HIGHLY suggest you get a "LAWYER" to word it for you. For THAT matter, I want to know just how much you are mind-xxxxing OUR Daughter in the first place! Do you batter her with questions when she walks in the front door? Do you question her until she cracks and starts crying? I won't ask if you talk civilly about me to her. I have heard enough of "Mommy says we can't afford much because YOU don't give her any money". I have explained how "Daddy gives money to Mommy by giving the money to someone who can give the money to Mommy without anyone yelling" enough to this 6-year-old child to last an ever-loving LIFETIME! If YOU do NOT have enough money because you wasted 7 years of your life working a 2-bit part-time job, spending your spare-time looking for a sugardaddy to support your insanity, thats YOUR fault, you trailerpark whore. Yes, thats right, you, ma'am, are a whore, complete with dead flowers in your 3-year-old trailer park garden and your splitting and rotting garbage bags cluttering the front yard of your 3rd rate hell-hole.
So, in conclusion, when the bills roll in for Baby #2 and you realize you can NOT afford anything anymore, do NOT think of me as your beating pillow. I fought for over a year to end your psychological BS, legal paper trains and endless court battles. I *WILL* do it again."

Wow... now there's some venting... and on a side note, it isn't nice to tell 3rd party individuals off on the phone. I grew up in a house like that.
Oh god, I'm so alone!
I gotta admit God damn its about damn time.
I originally yanked this blog entry BECAUSE it was blantant "venting" towards someone who does not have the internet. My reasoning for putting it back up was that "It makes me feel better when I read it".
I was only saying to back you up. IT is about damn time you stood up too her.
um, "anonymous"..... your real name is.......?
It doesnt mattere. All that counts I am glad you finally stood up to her..It should of been done along time ago. Good luck.
Ummm, I am constantly standing up to this woman.....hell, I DID take her to COURT!
And yeah, It doesn't matter who you are..... I know who it is anyways.....
Yes, friends, this *IS* the Official "Venting Post"!!!!!
I removed my official "Venting Post"
but I have it saved for when I feel like putting it back up again... lol
I am the ultimate dork.
Oh yeah. I am still alone, but I feel good about it. No more mind games, no playing around. I am free to be me again.
#1. This is good news man.... freedom is something that you can not buy.(And it gives you more time to play Goldeneye)
#2. You are never alone as long as you have yourself.
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