Even though I know you are not there, or cannot type back, s'ok, just felt the need to let the words flow out and the assurance that someone actually read them, understood them and let the message affect them.
Wow, thought I had alot more in me then that.
But, I guess the thoughts I had a few moments ago are now gone, buried under other stuff, not to be thought of until late at night, when the only thing to say them to is the darkness.
Ahhh, there was a bit more in there, .. thought so. I trick myself sometimes, making myself believe I'm ok, but I always know I'm being lied to, I see right through myself.
I.. I just hope that my Life was for something. It all seems to be rolling up so quickly, 2 years goes by like 2 days, until you see the datestamp on that christmas picture, and realize 8 seasons have passed by.
I should have taken more risks, rode against the wind, walked away from the safe and took a wild ride. I'm mourning that which I never did or remember, almost like it was stolen from me.
Ok, I think that's all. I hope you had a Merry Christmas, friend. I hope to think of you again soon.

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