We're not the same person we were yesterday. We won't be the same person tomorrow that we woke up as today either. But the fleeting moments we share, lived in our memories as we go about our daily existence, give us a chance to travel back in Time, to a place where the air was different, the light brighter.
I wonder, Dear friend, if you remember the same way I do. If, just the thoughts of those days, bring those things days for you. Bring them back so richly that you can taste the air and cover your eyes from the light.
I won't say I miss you all, I do. But, to speak honestly, what I miss has a name I cannot fully comprehend. It is almost like I miss the experience, but bigger then that.
I miss the world.
You are all still out there, though, products of your yesterdays, seeds of the Future. And you are all here too, in memory. The glass memory I hold of those times, those places. Those things that make us and have made us.
To Mark - I'm still alive, I hope you are well too
To Andrea - Be happy please
To Kevin - Thank you for being my friend
To Melanie - I want to miss you
To Chris - I'm sorry
To Charlotte - You were right
To everyone else? I miss you all...

Ciao That is beautiful.
There is a poet named Charles Bruce and he wrote a small book of poems in 1927 called Wild Apples (if u r interested in knowing more about him u can Google him) Every poem in the book seems like he is talking through your mind or vise versa.
The last page of the book has this little poem.
The little dusky stars that cry
In starry song, their mirth and pain,
Are friendly to the childish heart
That listens in the splashing rain.
But all the big revengeful stars
Are purposeful in Life's Design----
So all the big bright stars are yours;
And all the little stars are mine.
I always enjoy your blogs.. They are so deep and personal, yet, I feel I understand
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