Everyone says I'm so "approachable" and "friendly".....always smiling and joking. But not tonight. Nope, no one can stop me from showing what I *REALLY* think tonight. It's just me... me and my broken thoughts. And I think I'd be better off if I never knew you existed. MUCH better off. Where are you right now anyways? Not here, thats for damn sure. Because you (like everyone else) are a liar. You don't even remember, do you? The memory is not as important to you as *I* used to think it was. Well, I guess that means we have something in common, doesn't it?
We both have our ignorance....
And I have every damn right to ignore those memories, because they were lies. Non-consequential. I'd much rather pay attention to the truth of the matter. That it's just me from here on out. "Bitter much?", you may ask. To which I will reply "Fuck you, ass jockey. What have YOU done to make me believe in anything different?"
You know who you are, all of you...... Fuck ya's
