Song Of The Moment
Wow, someone ask me if it has been a busy month.... g'wan, DARE ya! The answer is "Yes"! Things are kinda different in the "Life of Fiend", so I should jot down an update here for all YOO's.
Firstly, I got a new iPod. 30 Gb 5th Gen black. I never knew what all the fuss with iPods was about til I owned one, really. And, wow, no really,
WOW, I really love it. Music player, video player, photo viewer. It rocks. I get to jive to NON-SKIP music on my walk to and from work, show off my pictures to relatives and co-workers in style AND watch videos on my lunch.
The novelty of it is starting to wear off now, naturally, but I still think its a pretty useful little gizmo, even as a futuristic walkman. Mind you, I have encountered problems with it and I can "understand" why so many people can become frustrated with them.
Firstly, the screen. All you hear about is
"scratches this" and
"scratches that". Well, to start, do you carry your TV around with you? No. When you have moved in the past, have you loaded your tv onto the truck and put a blanket or a pillow in front of the screen? Bet you have. SAME THING applies for an ipod. I haven't even taken the plastic protective screen off of the front of this thing and it always gets put into its' "sleeve" when I am walking with it.
Secondly, the battery life. It's a pretty simple concept, when you look at it. The battery is rechargeable. It does not last indefinately. You HAVE TO charge it every now and then. And, as well, the ipod shows a battey indicator on its screen. Most people do not realize that this battery meter is "approxmate"... its like the gas guage on a car. Go up a hill and the needle dips closer to "E", ....driving straight? It levels off. SAME THING! If you are watching videos, the battery meter is going to show you how much battery you have left IF you continue to watch video. If you stop watching video (which takes up more battery, naturally) and start listening to music again, the battery meter will go back to what is expected.
"approximate"Lastly, software errors. I have already given my iPod the "exclamation folder error". It was my own fault for not meeting sytem requirements while I was trying to format it. I understand this and got it fixed rather easily. What I am trying to get at is that "errors happen for a reason"... at least 95% of the time they do anyways. So, instead of complaining that it's "broken", find out HOW it got "broken", and work on fixing it.
With all that said, owning an iPod and doing tech support is pretty sweet! When someone calls with a problem, I not only can (And DO) fix the problem, but I can relate, because I own one too. I swear, I have had more people call, all frustrated and mad and, GUARANTEED, by the end of the call, we are both laughing! Its awesome! I never thought I was best-suited for this role, but, so far this week alone, I have been told I am "a hero", "a tech-god", and one woman wanted to take me out to dinner! All for helping fix their problems.
All right, I hear you saying "Things have changed because you own an iPod?" No, and maybe yes. Its hard to explain. Anyone who regularily reads this blog knows my ability to analyze things and maybe
*MAYBE* I am just going through one of my retrospective moments. Maybe its because its Spring and I can walk down the road without a big winter jacket on, listening to music. Maybe its because I truly enjoy hearing happy people at work, telling me how much I helped them. Who knows. But me likey it......
