It would be great if I could call and talk to my Daughter. Instead, my call goes right to Voicemail, time and time again. I leave a message which I can only guess gets deleted, since my Daughter never hears any of them. The more I think of it, when I drive her home every weekend, it's feeling more and more like I am dropping her off at Jail. Maybe I'll just try sending her letters instead.
And yes, it's still ongoing, this "Hate' thing my ex-wife has for me. I don't think she understands what she is doing when she does these "dirty little tricks". Apparently, I am the bad guy. The one bad thing I have ever done was not taking my Daughter with me when she left. Because of that one overlooked thing, I have endured 10 years of hate from the other side. I'm beyond the point of asking "When will it stop?" It won't stop, ... apparently, I *need* to be continually reminded that I can't see her on a daily basis.
But at least I do have one form of venting this. Writing. Putting the words down so I can remember for a later day. And what lesson should I remember for a later day today?
"No matter how good things look, there's always someone who despises you. Pay them no mind, for there are people who despise these people also. The root branch is the one that grows on it's own, not tangled and suffocated by the rest of the tree."
