Stop making me stay awake, ok? I have work tomorrow, and I don't really care about all the old memories and frigged up things that I can't fix, ok? I really don't want to have to distract myself away from your annoying presence each and every night. Seriously!
Maybe if you showed up with a better outlook, I'd be all right with your late-night visits. But you're so down and depressing! For once, can't you just take a break? Don't you have someone else to haunt? I mean, before you showed up, I was dozing off in the chair. Now? I'm up, trying to fix all the crap you're breaking.
You're a lousy houseguest, you know that?
And, it's always the same ol' stuff with you. "What are you doing?", "Where are you going?", "It's too late, you know?".... get some new material, ok man? Let's talk about the weather! ... or even how the day went! Anything! Let's just not go over the same old broken things we go over every night. We didn't find an "answer" last night, did we? You think we're gonna mysteriously find one tonight?
... wh-what's that?
yeah ... they *were* good times....
Ok, ... maybe ... maybe we can stay up for a bit.
