I guess it boils down to this. We all were born. we were all innocent at one point in our lives. Then something happened, something got "book-marked" in our adventure ... and that something made us/makes us who were are today. So, when I say I don't trust, it's the action I don't trust, not the person exactly. We all still have that innocence in us. It's just covered up with years and years of filtered logic.
What really sucks is the "noticing". Seeing certain looks, certain body movements that indicate a falsity. You know what I'm talking about. A rich girl drops her purse by an old bum and tries to keep her composure when she picks it up. But, if you're quick, you can see "the look", of disgust, of rejection. Under that look is the innocence, all buried up. She can't uncover it, either. It's the plate on which the sourness is piled on, too far down now to even try to think of anymore.
And where does that leave me? Well, for starters, I got a clean slate everyday. I've came to terms with my sour'd ways a while ago, so when I wake up, the starting gun goes off and it's time to get my goals accomplished. ... ahh, but what *are* my goals exactly? I only want to make people happy. Maybe, if I can show you how easy it is to stop thinking of your own self-righteous, self-fulfilling goals and begin to think about making someone else smile, or be at ease with their current situation, I have will have brought the whole mess full circle.
