Is it all about me, or something bigger? How does one straighten a crooked line?
I fight "The Past" daily, as it jumps out from under the ground
Shaking the dust of yesterday off of it's mane
Shooting its venomous darts at me, slowing my responses
I watch as, one by one,
the people I know get sucked under the earth
Pulled away from this world, the one where I can relate
To the one where I don't fit
It will tie me up and drag me away too if I try to run
So I choose to live among it
Watching helplessly as, one by one,
the people I know get dragged away
All with perfectly complacent smiles
Unaware of the silent horrors they are being subjected to
I stand silently, dressed in confusion
Speaking the words none other but "The Past" may understand
Because the truth is so horrible, it will haunt my dreams for all time
I am the only suitable case study in lonliness
In this world, filled with thousands, who cannot see me
So I ask myself again? Is it all about me?
Swimming in the dust of the past
Making no effort or claim to the good or bad
Using the slowest form of time travel to have one question answered
You cannot change "The Past", you can only keep it dear
You can use "The Past" to shape "The Future"
With the answer before me, the beast becomes still
The blur around me slows to pitch
And I am free
