8:43 PM Matt: http://www.lostinbrittany.org
me: Did you hear 'em talkin' 'bout it on the radio
Did you try to read the writing on the wall
Did that voice inside you say I've heard it all before
8:44 PM It's like Deja Vu all over again
8:48 PM Matt: wtf?
me: you know what I hate about people? Their inherint ability to do what they always do, over and over, completely blind to their ways, what they are doing, and the stupidity of it all
If people would only STOP
Matt: Ummmm.
8:49 PM thank you
Matt: You ok, brother?
me: ok, I'm not done
If people would only stop being idiots and just say "Ok, you're right, I'm sorry", this fucking world would be a better place, and I would lose this damn
sick feeling
8:50 PM you have NO IDEA what total shit is
I wish someone would, but it's all relative
relative to what we see and our tolerance
and my tolerance has been tested so damn much, My saint Mother would have been kicking ass and taking names by now
8:51 PM it's all I can do not to get the fuck out of this chair, march out the door and start swinging
Ok, I'm done
weird ass picture link btw
8:53 PM Matt: So, the next question is : You had voicemail when you got home?
8:55 PM me: meh, I'm over that now, having only the cat to yell at and sitting here when the shit storm started, followed by a not-too-timely PM from you meant YOU got the full frontal instead of the cat getting chased
9:05 PM Matt: ROFL
me: I'm a liar btw
Have I mentioned that?
Yup, big FAT liar
9:06 PM you can stop reading now, if you want
really, all this is just nonsensical jibberish anyways, yammerings from a liar should be ignored anyways
and I lie alot! WHOOO BOY
Ok, Head of maintenance enforcement and I talked 2 years ago
she's an old woman with a walker
9:08 PM it was decided that I would make an attempt to pay off the arrears for my child support for the year i wasn't allowed to see Amber through giving up my GST cheques
9:09 PM so, from then on, instead of a tri-monthly cheque, I got a tri-monthly reciept, informing me how much was withheld because of a Family Orders act
fair enough
9:10 PM Matt: ok...
me: I tell bitchface's meatpuppet that, who calls maintenance, gets told that they have not recieved anything and that I am a liar, liar liar pants on fire, getting his cheque on a chicken wire
anyways, this kind of goes against the reciepts I have, and the arrangement me and walker-lady had agreed upon
9:11 PM so, I try to call taxation
they don't answer
so I go down, in my little-to-no-gas vehicle to talk to someone at taxation about this
9:12 PM they, of course, give me a number I can call (from right in the building) to ask about it, because they don't know
Must be on crack or something
and, of course, I call the number, being an idiot, and ask if I can find out where my GST cheque is going
Matt: Hmmm... this reminds me of how much I love our govenment.
9:13 PM me: and they immediatley tell me I need to call the GST centre, here's their TOLL-FREE #
9:14 PM I call, hands all sweaty with the excitement of calling the all-mighty, and all knowing GST centre #, the knower of all, the # that it took me a week and 3 mutants to get to
and I get a busy signal all morning
that's ok, that's cool
NOW I have your #, bitches, I KNOW where you are NOW
9:15 PM I'll just spend Monday calling you, until my ear goes deaf
so, I go to work, all's good, everythings great
9:16 PM stupid meat puppet, "Hey Hughie. It's Frank. Call me when you get this message"
"Hi Frank"
"Yeah, so, I went down to Maintenance Enforcement and they told me that they have not recieved anything. You lied to us."
9:17 PM "Gee, that would mean this reciept I keep getting is lying to me, what a runaround, eh?"
"Yeah, oh wait..." sound of either a cat getting fucked in the eye or a mouse exploding over and over
"Yeah, and Janet says yada yada yada yada drone drone.. script speak much?"
9:18 PM "Ok, you know what Frank, I want to apologize to you. It''s kinda obvious (I have cut out alot of me trying to talk but getting over-talked by the damn mouse explosions btw) that having you as the middle person here isn't going to work."
9:19 PM "Y'see, being civil is about talking and being heard, kinda hard to hear me when that mouse is exploding in the corner, isn't it?"
9:20 PM "Ok, so, I don't want this to offend you but, you don't have to be the middle man anymore, ok? Janet's going to have to find someone else, ok?"
"How am I going to say this w/o sounding like the meat-puppet who doesn't know fleas from lice?..."
"Oh frank, you can do it, just say it, you big ol' newfie you!"
9:21 PM "Why does Janet have to find someone? Why is it up to her?"
"heh heh heh, good boy Frank! You actually said something using your own words! HERE'S A COOKIE!"
Matt: ROFL
9:22 PM me: "Ok, the reasoning is because a long, long time ago, there was this guy named Hugh, who needed someone to speak to his exploding mouse, y'see?"
"So, he immediately said 'I know! I'll ask the govt!! They will know!"
9:23 PM "And you know what they said Frankie-boy? There is no such thing as you are asking for, but!!!! HERE'S A TOLL-FREE # YOU CAN CALL FOR FREE LEGAL ADVICE!!!!"
"But, I got collected, and thought logically, whom else could I ask?"
9:24 PM "Well, to make a long story short, 3 brothers, 2 sisters, 1 aunt and nameless friends later it was decided that no one wants to, nor cares to talk to, an exploding mouse for me"
9:25 PM So, it was fortunate that she assaulted me with the door that day, frankie. if it weren't for that, you wouldn't have been selected by me and the police to be the middle man!"
"And, well, as you can see, nothing can beat an exploding mouse, it's damn loud!"
9:26 PM "So, I have done my part. No more. I either want peace, or nothing"
Ok smoke break, gotta read this yammering pack of lies
9:29 PM Matt: It is a book.
I'd post it online, but no-one would get it.
9:30 PM me: Who do you vent to when shit gets too hairy, man? Just curious
9:31 PM Matt: Random people on the internet. Or I write poetry.
9:32 PM me: fuck
it's all messed up
the world that is
9:33 PM Matt: Yeah brother. The world is messed up.
me: where's my damn manual for this shit?
9:34 PM Matt: I lost it.
9:37 PM me: "Hey Frank. See this reciept? Ya, it's dated January 2008. It says 'We have withheld the GST/HSTC because of a court order under the Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance Act". ... I do NOT like being called a liar. I do NOT want an apology for you two calling me a liar either. You know what I want? I want this little "Hugh's a loser-liar" act to stop. I mean, it has been almost 10 years now, ok? That's it. That's all I have to say. Bye"
just practicing man
Matt: Do it up. :-D