Bobby - age 7
Almost year end. Let's review!
- My little GoTruck has died.
- Old girlfriend has shown me the line.
- I'm working roughly 12 hours a day.
- And for the 6th year in a row, I'll be alone Christmas morning.
- I'm still alive.
Even though it is not statistically sound that clinical depression cases rise around the Holiday season, it happens. Most are easy to spot. Listless, isolated, focused on what is driving them insane. Most are... others, like me, after years of living with it, have adapted, shifted and created a new lifeline, one filled with the sour, empty feelings. Left alone long enough, anything's possible....
What do I want for Christmas? Something material? That's an easy one. I want what only one person has ever given me. I want someone, "anyone" to give me physical proof (not more words, sayings, quotes, theories, etc) that someone cares. Substantial, tangible proof that I am doing all this FOR something.
...or a new truck.
