Friday, November 07, 2008

It's hard to hold a candle in the cold November rain

Song Of The Moment

Left the window open a crack
Never thinking it would rain
Reprimanded myself, when distanced from it
Sitting in front of it, it remains the same

The sound of the cars, swimming forward on the road
The only audience to my little play
Where I am center-stage, staring blankly
Forgot my lines again

And even though the rain comes in
The foul air inside is free to escape, should it wish
This is not the reason it remains open, however
Something deeper keeps me from closing it

Something that makes me keep old letters
Keeps me from deleting emails
Causes personality traits that seem alien to most
Protects those memories that I, alone, remember

Soon though, this will not prevent it from being shut
The cold needs to be kept out
Lock out the strangers and close the drapes
Nobody's home


Anonymous said...

Very good!