Sunday, November 18, 2007

There used to be a time when you were everything

Some people you just have to let go. I am saying this, however, with the knowledge that a monkey has of the Sun. He knows it's there, but doesn't fully know what it is. You would think if I knew nothing about it, it would be easy, wouldn't you? You'd be wrong...
Why do I wear my heart on my sleeve? Why can't I just accept? Is there something wrong with me? .... No, I don't think I'm any different from anyone else. Apparently I feel the sting more then others, or maybe I just let the sting in more. Or maybe people these days don't appreciate being mentally unbalanced and emotionally normal. Thankfully, I have my own will, and I have this facet. Writing.
So, I've been a 3rd wheel, a bur in the side, and the person you never knew. Of those three, the 3rd will be the one you will have to get to understand, my unforgotten memory. Because you don't, you won't and you obviously never will get it. You don't understand how hard it is to never give up on anything, all your Life, and then realize one day, after beating your head against that same wall again, that the things you are committed to are slowly killing you.
Now, what to do? Do I turn the page, tear it out and burn it, do I leave it on the ground and hope I never see it again, or do I recycle it? Maybe this is the page, maybe I've already turned it over again, and now I sit here, writing all over it "THATS IT! I'M DONE! NO MORE!!"

Now, I will leave it here, and when I see it again, I'll remember.



peijoe said...

Now, what to do? Try burning the page and turn a new one. Live for to day. Yesterday is gone tomorrow is not here yet.
And Yes, some people do understand.
In my 12 step program they say "One Day At A Time" some times for me it is one minute or one hour at a time.
Keep on writing pal

Fiend said...

Thanks Joe. Life may be a lesson you learn at the end, but I plan on living long enough to learn it!