Saturday, September 24, 2005

the Life I chose

Song Of The Moment

First week as an official tech support agent is over and the weekend is here!! Got invited out to play pool at Doolys this evening ... but I promised I would help a friend of mine with her website. So, after 5 days of sitting in front of a computer, I spent the evening *sitting in front of a computer*!
... heh, kinda of funny. (btw, if I could, I *would* make my desk space resemble that pic ...imagine how warm it would be in the winter???)

Not that I mind doing computer-work for my friends ... after all, its one of the things I have been told I have a "talent" for. That, and apparently, writing and taking pictures. A good friend of mine commented today that I should take a course in journalism. And even though that idea bears merit?... I couldn't see any career in it...well, not on the island anyways. So, I'll just keep my writings and visuals limited to my own personal hobby. Career-wise, I think that the computer-field, even though competitive, is a much more stable and financially-better road to take.

That, and, I have noticed that most goals I have set in the past have revolved around other people ... friends, girls, family.... I have never done what *I* liked doing. Well, as of this date, I can't think of anything else I am capable of doing AND enjoying more then digital media producing/computer-handling etc., etc. So, why not expand on it and see where it leads me/see what other traits I have? Would be a much better life-choice then deciding to work nights for the rest of my Life as a glorified janitor, just because friends/family said I should.

Anyways, thats enough of the ramble. Week two at work sounds to be more strenuous then week one, what with self-pace modules, mentoring and training on particular troubleshooting techiques ... I am anxious to see how much I know by the end of it. For now though?..I'm going to sit back and enjoy the weekend.
